Introduction to React and Why React ?

Introduction to React and Why React ?


3 min read

In this blog, we will be introducing the MERN Stack with you and also will be talking about each of the Tech Stacks used in the MERN Stack Development. Also, we will be starting with the Introduction to React and why React shall be used in comparison with other frameworks and libraries.

Talking about the MERN Stack, comprises of 4 tech stacks:

Mongodb is Document Database that is used to store data. It has various functionality as it is scalable, and supports indexing (MongoDB uses indexing to make query processing more efficient. If there is no indexing, then it must scan every document in the collection and retrieve only those documents that match the query. Indexes are special data structures that store some information related to the documents such that it becomes easy for MongoDB to find the right data file. The indexes are ordered by the value of the field specified in the index.), sharding (storing the data in various servers to retrieve them from the nearest one as fast as possible) and many others.

Express is a NodeJs Framework which is used for creating web servers. In MERN Stack Development, usually all the process of creating the CRUD (Create, Remove, Update, Delete) applications happens due to the creation of servers with the help of ExpressJS. ExpressJs along with NodeJs help in the creation of API and its Operations.

React is a Javascript Ui Library that we use to create UI components. It is one of the most widely used libraries of JavaScript. It helps in the creation of the frontend components of any web application and also takes care of the State Management of the entire Application.

NodeJs is an open-source and cross-platform JavaScript runtime environment. It is built on top of the Google Chrome V8 JavaScript engine, and it's mainly used to create web servers - but it's not limited to just that. Many more functionalities are included in NodeJs which we will be covering in the later stage of the playlist.

To talk about it, let's hear a small story behind it!!

React was invented by Facebook engineer Jordan Walke in the year 2018. Initially, in the development of the updates on Facebook, the thing that happened was that when we would click on the Like Button, the entire page would be refreshed in order to update the Like Count value.

Eventually this would take up a lot of time, time complexity would increase. For this, Jordan Walke thought of an idea of why not render (refresh or reload) only the particular component rather than the entire Web Page. That's when the idea of React came into his mind.

Initially BOLTJS was used for the rendering the webpage components and state management. Jordan thought of updating the BoltJS to FBolt (initially React was called FBolt as Functional Bolt) as it consisted of more functional features than BoltJS. The major application of React was the Like, Share and Comment functionality on Facebook.

When Instagram was to be acquired by Facebook, they implemented the existing React functionality to Instagram. So we can say that a full end-to-end application of React was Instagram.

  • Custom Component Creation

  • Scalablity

  • Render as Little as Possible

  • Client Side Rendering

In the next blog, we shall see what are the JavaScript components to be recalled in order to have a good grasp on React. To know more, make sure to watch the video on our Youtube channel. Happy Coding!!

Adios Amigos ๐Ÿ‘‹๐Ÿ‘‹

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